Tetris In Framer
This is the winning scroll animation from the 20th Framer challenge, created by Thaer Swailem. Feel free to remix the project and check out how it's built.
This is the winning scroll animation from the 20th Framer challenge, created by Thaer Swailem. Feel free to remix the project and check out how it's built.
This website animation leverages the awesome scroll transform effects present in Framer. Also, Thaer has incorporated scroll variants to display various scores as you scroll down the site.
This website animation leverages the awesome scroll transform effects present in Framer. Also, Thaer has incorporated scroll variants to display various scores as you scroll down the site.
This website animation leverages the awesome scroll transform effects present in Framer. Also, Thaer has incorporated scroll variants to display various scores as you scroll down the site.
Framer Navigator
Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.
Framer Navigator
Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.
Framer Navigator
Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.