Rotating Zoom Scroll Effect

Rotating Zoom Scroll Effect


Rotating Zoom Scroll Effect

I recreated the awesome zoom scroll effect you see on the Stryds website. It was really fun to recreate this in Framer, even though I had to come up with some creative solutions.

image of Nandi Muzsik

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Rotating Zoom Scroll Effect
Rotating Zoom Scroll Effect
Rotating Zoom Scroll Effect
no-code scroll animation thumbnail

Related Lesson

Framer Tutorial: How To Create A No-Code Scroll Animation

no-code scroll animation thumbnail

Related Lesson

Framer Tutorial: How To Create A No-Code Scroll Animation

no-code scroll animation thumbnail

Related Lesson

Framer Tutorial: How To Create A No-Code Scroll Animation

About the resource

This effect makes use of Framer's most robust features. The scroll animation is done using the scroll transform effect, and the distorted images are achieved by exploiting the loop effect in Framer

Wanna know how I exploited one of the best features in Framer? Watch the tutorial.

About the resource

This effect makes use of Framer's most robust features. The scroll animation is done using the scroll transform effect, and the distorted images are achieved by exploiting the loop effect in Framer

Wanna know how I exploited one of the best features in Framer? Watch the tutorial.

About the resource

This effect makes use of Framer's most robust features. The scroll animation is done using the scroll transform effect, and the distorted images are achieved by exploiting the loop effect in Framer

Wanna know how I exploited one of the best features in Framer? Watch the tutorial.

Framer Navigator

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Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

Framer Navigator

Learn the fundamentals of Framer for free.

Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

Framer Navigator

Learn the fundamentals of Framer for free.

Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

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