How to Block Scrolling During the Website's Preloader in Framer

How to Block Scrolling During the Website's Preloader in Framer


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  • Custom code
  • How to Block Scrolling During the Website's Preloader in Framer

    In this mini guide, I'll show a neat little trick that lets you block page scrolling while your website plays the smooth loading transition that you created according to this tutorial video.

    image of Nandi Muzsik

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    loading transition in Framer
    loading transition in Framer
    loading transition in Framer
    Framer Tutorial: Creating Smooth Website Loading Animations

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    Framer Tutorial: Creating Smooth Website Loading Animations

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    Framer Tutorial: Creating Smooth Website Loading Animations

    I recently shared a component and a full video tutorial where I showed you how to craft a beautiful loading animation for your Framer site. However, many of you asked for a loading component solution that also prevents page scrolling while the loading animation is displayed. Luckily, I was able to find a solution.

    Block page scrolling during loading

    What we need to do is tell the browser that while the loading is happening (which lasts for a fixed duration of around 3.5 seconds in this demo), the page shouldn't be scrollable, and after 3.5 seconds, it should be scrollable again.

    We can control the page's scrollability by setting the body's overflow to hidden.

    This is what we'll achieve by inserting a code snippet at the end of the head tag. (You can do this in the site settings, at the bottom of the general tab.)

    inserting code onto the head tag

    The <head> code:

      body {
        overflow: hidden;

    This will disable the ability to scroll when we load the website. So, that's our starting point.

    Turning scrollability back on after 3.5 seconds

    To adjust this overflow from "hidden" back to auto (auto means that the website is scrollable) we need to add another snippet, but now, we will insert it into the end of body tag.

    inserting code into the end of body tag

    The <body> code:

      setTimeout(function() { = 'auto';
      }, 3500); // Your loading transition's length in miliseconds.

    This is a simple script that sets overflow back to auto after the time we determine, which in this case is 3500 milliseconds, or 3.5 seconds.

    Adjust the number to match your loading animation's duration.


    And there you have it! Following this guide, you should now understand how to stop the page scroll during your website's loading animation in Framer.

    Be sure to adjust the timer to line up with your own loading animation's duration.

    Stay tuned for more practical tips and tricks to polish your Framer projects. Keep iterating and, most importantly, have fun building!

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    Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

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