Vercel Book Animation

Nandi Muzsik

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Nandi Muzsik

How can I improve Framer Uni?

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Vercel Book Animation

This is a recreation of the fun book opening animation that you can see on the Next.js website. It serves as an excellent example of how to creatively utilize hover and loop effects in Framer to achieve unique animations.

image of Nandi Muzsik

Created by

vercel book interaction in Framer
vercel book interaction in Framer
vercel book interaction in Framer

About the resource

The animation uses a bunch of different layers, hover, and loop effects. In fact, the loop effect is used in an exploitative way. If you want to learn more about that, watch this tutorial.

About the resource

The animation uses a bunch of different layers, hover, and loop effects. In fact, the loop effect is used in an exploitative way. If you want to learn more about that, watch this tutorial.

About the resource

The animation uses a bunch of different layers, hover, and loop effects. In fact, the loop effect is used in an exploitative way. If you want to learn more about that, watch this tutorial.

Framer Navigator

Learn the fundamentals of Framer for free.

Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

Framer Navigator

Learn the fundamentals of Framer for free.

Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

Framer Navigator

Learn the fundamentals of Framer for free.

Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

More resources

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    Floating Navigation in Framer


    Minimalist floating navigation bar with a 'Get Started' button and interactive hover effect

    Floating Navigation in Framer


    Minimalist floating navigation bar with a 'Get Started' button and interactive hover effect

    Floating Navigation in Framer
