Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer





Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

These are some sexy location cards in Framer with a parallax hover effect and gradient blur, inspired by Arkady. What else do we need? Feel free to remix the project and see how you can create something like this in Framer without writing any code.

These are some sexy location cards in Framer with a parallax hover effect and gradient blur, inspired by Arkady. What else do we need? Feel free to remix the project and see how you can create something like this in Framer without writing any code.

These are some sexy location cards in Framer with a parallax hover effect and gradient blur, inspired by Arkady. What else do we need? Feel free to remix the project and see how you can create something like this in Framer without writing any code.

These are some sexy location cards in Framer with a parallax hover effect and gradient blur, inspired by Arkady. What else do we need? Feel free to remix the project and see how you can create something like this in Framer without writing any code.

Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer
Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer
Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer
Parallax Blur Gradient Cards in Framer

About The Resource

I had a pretty easy job creating these cards since I just had to use some of the resources already available here at Framer University.

Parallax Hover

First, let's see how I achieved the parallax hover effect.

I divided the content of the card into three layers. We have the "Sky" in the background, the "Text" in the middle, and the "Castle" in the foreground.

Then, I used a slightly adjusted version of my parallax hover code override (you can copy it from below) to make these layers follow my cursor with different intensities.

parallax hover code override

The slight adjustment in the override includes two new properties: "maxOffsetX" and "maxOffsetY". I need these values so I can not only change the intensity of the cursor follow but also ensure that the images do not move beyond a certain point on the X axis to prevent revealing the edges of the foreground images.

parallax hover code override adjustment

As you can see in the image above, at the highlighted parts, you can change the intensity (10), maxOffsetX (400), and maxOffsetY (2000).

Blur Gradient

For the blur gradient, I simply used my component and placed it above the card's content so it blurs everything below it.

Step 01 outline

Step / 01

Remix the project.

Step 2 outline

Step / 02

See how it's built.

Step 3 outline

Step / 03

Try recreating it for practice, or copy and paste it to your project.

Parallax Hover Code Override

Feel free to copy the code override from below and create it for yourself in Framer from scratch.

import { useState, useEffect, ComponentType, useRef } from "react"
import { motion, useMotionValue, useSpring, useInView } from "framer-motion"

const withIntensity = (
): ComponentType => {
    const SPRING_CONFIG = { damping: 100, stiffness: 400 }

    return (props) => {
        const x = useMotionValue(0)
        const y = useMotionValue(0)
        const ref = useRef(null)
        const springX = useSpring(x, SPRING_CONFIG)
        const springY = useSpring(y, SPRING_CONFIG)
        const isInView = useInView(ref)

        useEffect(() => {
            if (!isInView) {
        }, [isInView])

        useEffect(() => {
            const calculateDistance = (e) => {
                if (ref.current && isInView) {
                    const rect = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect()
                    const centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2
                    const centerY = + rect.height / 2
                    let distanceX = e.clientX - centerX
                    let distanceY = e.clientY - centerY

                    distanceX = Math.max(
                        Math.min(distanceX, maxOffsetX),
                    distanceY = Math.max(
                        Math.min(distanceY, maxOffsetY),

                    x.set(distanceX * (maxDistancePercentage / 100))
                    y.set(distanceY * (maxDistancePercentage / 100))

            document.addEventListener("mousemove", calculateDistance)

            return () => {
                document.removeEventListener("mousemove", calculateDistance)
        }, [ref, isInView, maxOffsetX, maxOffsetY])

        return (
                    x: springX,
                    y: springY,

export const withIntensity10 = (Component): ComponentType =>
    withIntensity(Component, 10, 400, 2000)

export const withIntensity5 = (Component): ComponentType =>
    withIntensity(Component, 5, 2000, 2000)

export const withIntensity1 = (Component): ComponentType =>
    withIntensity(Component, 1, 2000, 2000)
import { useState, useEffect, ComponentType, useRef } from "react"
import { motion, useMotionValue, useSpring, useInView } from "framer-motion"

const withIntensity = (
): ComponentType => {
    const SPRING_CONFIG = { damping: 100, stiffness: 400 }

    return (props) => {
        const x = useMotionValue(0)
        const y = useMotionValue(0)
        const ref = useRef(null)
        const springX = useSpring(x, SPRING_CONFIG)
        const springY = useSpring(y, SPRING_CONFIG)
        const isInView = useInView(ref)

        useEffect(() => {
            if (!isInView) {
        }, [isInView])

        useEffect(() => {
            const calculateDistance = (e) => {
                if (ref.current && isInView) {
                    const rect = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect()
                    const centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2
                    const centerY = + rect.height / 2
                    let distanceX = e.clientX - centerX
                    let distanceY = e.clientY - centerY

                    distanceX = Math.max(
                        Math.min(distanceX, maxOffsetX),
                    distanceY = Math.max(
                        Math.min(distanceY, maxOffsetY),

                    x.set(distanceX * (maxDistancePercentage / 100))
                    y.set(distanceY * (maxDistancePercentage / 100))

            document.addEventListener("mousemove", calculateDistance)

            return () => {
                document.removeEventListener("mousemove", calculateDistance)
        }, [ref, isInView, maxOffsetX, maxOffsetY])

        return (
                    x: springX,
                    y: springY,

export const withIntensity10 = (Component): ComponentType =>
    withIntensity(Component, 10, 400, 2000)

export const withIntensity5 = (Component): ComponentType =>
    withIntensity(Component, 5, 2000, 2000)

export const withIntensity1 = (Component): ComponentType =>
    withIntensity(Component, 1, 2000, 2000)

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