Button Hover Effect
This is a button hover interaction created in Framer, based on a concept by Andy Hooke. You can delve into the component to see how it's strcutured, or simply copy and paste it into your project.
This is a button hover interaction created in Framer, based on a concept by Andy Hooke. You can delve into the component to see how it's strcutured, or simply copy and paste it into your project.
The interaction is quite simply created with a single component that has a variant and a hover state. In the hover state, we change the width of the absolutely positioned circle to achieve this pleasing animation.
The component is fully customizable, so you can just copy and paste it into your Framer project and customize it using the component properties on the right panel.
The interaction is quite simply created with a single component that has a variant and a hover state. In the hover state, we change the width of the absolutely positioned circle to achieve this pleasing animation.
The component is fully customizable, so you can just copy and paste it into your Framer project and customize it using the component properties on the right panel.
The interaction is quite simply created with a single component that has a variant and a hover state. In the hover state, we change the width of the absolutely positioned circle to achieve this pleasing animation.
The component is fully customizable, so you can just copy and paste it into your Framer project and customize it using the component properties on the right panel.
Framer Navigator
Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.
Framer Navigator
Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.
Framer Navigator
Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.