Arturia Button Component

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Arturia Button Component

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Arturia Button Component

This is a pretty cool button component taken from the Arturia website, recreated in Framer. If you're looking for a cool interaction, just copy and paste this component into your Framer project.

image of Nandi Muzsik

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Arturia Button Component
Arturia Button Component
Arturia Button Component

About the resource

This is a pretty simple interaction that uses a button component with two variants.

These two variants are linked via mouse enter and mouse leave interactions.

The component is optimized for easy customization, and you can edit it effortlessly through the component properties on the right panel.

Here's what you can change:

  1. Text color in the default state

  2. Text color in the hover state

  3. Text content

  4. Background color in the default state

  5. Background color in the hover state

  6. Button link

  7. Toggle for opening the link in a new tab

  8. Toggle for smooth scroll (if a website scroll section is linked)

About the resource

This is a pretty simple interaction that uses a button component with two variants.

These two variants are linked via mouse enter and mouse leave interactions.

The component is optimized for easy customization, and you can edit it effortlessly through the component properties on the right panel.

Here's what you can change:

  1. Text color in the default state

  2. Text color in the hover state

  3. Text content

  4. Background color in the default state

  5. Background color in the hover state

  6. Button link

  7. Toggle for opening the link in a new tab

  8. Toggle for smooth scroll (if a website scroll section is linked)

About the resource

This is a pretty simple interaction that uses a button component with two variants.

These two variants are linked via mouse enter and mouse leave interactions.

The component is optimized for easy customization, and you can edit it effortlessly through the component properties on the right panel.

Here's what you can change:

  1. Text color in the default state

  2. Text color in the hover state

  3. Text content

  4. Background color in the default state

  5. Background color in the hover state

  6. Button link

  7. Toggle for opening the link in a new tab

  8. Toggle for smooth scroll (if a website scroll section is linked)

arutira button component properties

Arutira button component properties in Framer.

arutira button component properties

Arutira button component properties in Framer.

arutira button component properties

Arutira button component properties in Framer.

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Nandi's portrait

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Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

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Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

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