Animated Radar

Animated Radar

Animated Radar

Animated Radar

Website animation

Website animation

Website animation

Website animation

Animated Radar

Animated Radar

Animated Radar

Animated Radar

This is a radar animation by Abduzeedo recreated in Framer. It's a fun little exploration that showcases Framer's capabilities. What's astonishing is, this isn't just a prototype; it's a live website with which users can interact.

This is a radar animation by Abduzeedo recreated in Framer. It's a fun little exploration that showcases Framer's capabilities. What's astonishing is, this isn't just a prototype; it's a live website with which users can interact.

This is a radar animation by Abduzeedo recreated in Framer. It's a fun little exploration that showcases Framer's capabilities. What's astonishing is, this isn't just a prototype; it's a live website with which users can interact.

This is a radar animation by Abduzeedo recreated in Framer. It's a fun little exploration that showcases Framer's capabilities. What's astonishing is, this isn't just a prototype; it's a live website with which users can interact.

animated radar in Framer
animated radar in Framer
animated radar in Framer
animated radar in Framer


This animation employs a multitude of layers and Framer's native effects, including loop effects. Additionally, there's a small Framer logo in the radar that can be dragged around with the cursor.

Step 01 outline

Step / 01

Remix the project.

Step 2 outline

Step / 02

See how it's built.

Step 3 outline

Step / 03

Try recreating it for practice or copy and paste it to your project.

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Learn how to create stunning websites with ease by learning the fundamentals of Framer.

Framer Course

Learn how to create stunning websites with ease by learning the fundamentals of Framer.

Free Framer Course

Learn how to create stunning websites with ease by learning the fundamentals of Framer.