Framer 3D Transforms for Beginners (Crash Course)

Nandi Muzsik

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30 min

Framer 3D Transforms for Beginners (Crash Course)

Learn everything you need to know about 3D transforms in Framer. I'll explain what each transform does and how you can use them in practice to create amazing interactions and 3D animations. I'll also show how you can combine these 3D transforms with components or scroll effects.

image of Nandi Muzsik

Taught by

Framer Navigator

Learn the fundamentals of Framer for free.

Build your ideas with ease by learning the basics of website building with Framer.

Nandi portrait's background
Nandi's portrait

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  • Bold futuristic text animation with directional arrows in a web interface

    2 Ways to Horizontal Scroll Your Framer Website

  • Futuristic glowing 3D text with a blue neon effect

    6 Text Animations You Need to Know in Framer